I know it's been years, so here's what's up!
First and foremost, the rest of chapter 4 of Fox Sister (which is the last chapter) has been written. So, hooray! Jayd has the script, and it's going to be 38 pages in total. I've told her to take her time doing it (lord knows I've been taking my time) so it'll be a while before she has the rest of it done, but she's working on it so it's coming!
There will be an epilogue I write this winter (it'll only be a few pages) that my friend Emily Warren will be drawing. We's talented as hell and we've worked together in the past so I'm excited for that, it's going to be gorgeous.
Also, I just saw the boards and noticed that a few people have been wondering what's up with me. So I thought I'd let you know! After grad school, I ended up getting staffed as a TV writer on the Syfy show The Magicians. So I've been working on that since season 2 (we're almost done with season 3) as my day job. And I've also been writing a monthly comic for Marvel called Generation X. ALSO, I just adopted a toddler this year, so... It's been pretty crazy. Sorry I've been so MIA for so long-- every time I thought I'd get a break, life threw me an unexpected (but fantastic) curve ball.
Anyway, thanks everyone for your patience, it's been one hell of a trip!
Christina Strain
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Back from China!
So I'm back now. Last week I spent 3 days traveling via train and air to get back home and oh my god it's so nice to be sleeping in my own bed again. I was sick as a dog for a few days there but I'm alive and kicking now so we should be good. AND I have next week's page in hand already so there will for sure be a page next week.
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Jayd's Wacom broke
So Jayd says she's almost done with the page but her wacom broke so she's buying a Cintiq. We're shooting for a Thursday upload but if not, there will be TWO pages next week. Sorry!
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So We're In China!
Sorry about missing an upload last week. I was in Hong Kong last week and I'm in Shanghai this week so things are a bit crazy to say the least. Unfortunately, we apparently can't get on Fox Sister from China so we've had to VPN onto Jon's machine back home to even get on the site. UGH. FULLY FUNCTIONING INTERNET, HOW I MISS THEE. Anyway, the page is up a day early because it's Tuesday here and I figured why not. We should have a page a week for the next few weeks (as long as the internet doesn't foil my plans) so stay tuned!
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We're back online next week
Took Jayd a bit to get set up and back in the swing of things but we'll be back next week with a new page!
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So after week after week of delays on part of the moving company, Jayd's finally got her stuff and she's all moved into the apt. We'll be back up and running soon!
And in random other news, the first three chapters of Fox Sister helped me win the China Story Scholarship which means 2nd year of school at AFI is paid for and in July I'll be in China for a month researching Chinese culture for a screenplay I'll be writing next year. I'm super excited!
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Jayd's moving cross country
Sorry guys. Part of our delay has been Jayd's moving from one end of Canada ALL THE WAY TO THE OTHER END. We'll be back in a few weeks once she's got her stuff and she's settled in!
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Come back on Thursday!
We'll have a new page up Thursday and then next week we're off for a week because Jayd's got some stuff she's got to take care of. We'll be right back after that.
Thanks, guys!
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Sorry we're so spotty
Just want you guys to know that the comic WILL NOT DIE. Jayd and I just have INTENSE schedules right now that aren't always lining up. I literally have classes until 10pm 3-4 nights a week so it's just a matter of finding time for everything.
But we're only 27 pages away from the end of the whole series so we're not going to quit. Promise. We'll finish this mother off if it kills us!
And next week we WILL have a page. It's already done.
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No page this week
I just finished up shooting a short film yesterday. As you can imagine it was HEC.TIC. Sorry guys!
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Sorry for the delay
I've had a lot of personal things come up over the past few weeks that have forced me to put the comic on a temporary hiatus. Sorry about that, guys. I'm trying to dig myself back out of the mud right now, hoping we'll be back next week.
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Updates now on Tuesdays!
So we're switching updates over to Tuesdays because Wednesday - Fridays I leave my house at 8am and don't get home till about 10pm or later because of school. Oh the wonders of grad school. I basically don't have time to actually letter anything Wednesday - Friday plus I was in Louisiana last week for Thanksgiving without access to photoshop so it's been a mess. I have the next page in hand so Tuesday there WILL be a page and hopefully delays due to school won't be as much of an issue anymore. On weeks that I'm shooting films or working on other people's films there may be hiccups but Jayd's moving cross country in two months so we're going to do our best to get it all done before then.
Thanks for being so patient folks. We're almost at the finish line!!!
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My Dad's still in the weeds.
Hey guys, my dad's probably going to be fine but he's in the hospital right now because he's having a hard time fighting off a kidney infection. He's had a fever he can't quite kick for the last few days and they've got him on IV antibiotics. I'm in Louisiana right now so I'm just going to go ahead and say that there isn't going to be a page this week either. Sorry guys, my head isn't in it right now.
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The page is coming, I promise...
So the page is done and just has to be lettered but I haven't done it yet because my dad had a stroke. It sounds like he's going to be fine but still, I'm in a weird place. My husband's had a kidney stone since the beginning of the week and I've been hammered hard with writing homework as well so this has basically been the week from hell for me. I will letter it later today (Saturday) after I wake up and the hang over I'm probably going to have have worn off.
I'll be going to see him later in the week for several days so it may affect the next few pages, we'll see.
I'm so sorry, guys. I know we're the unluckiest/unhealthiest lot. It's a mess.
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Possibly a double next week
Hey guys, Jayd's under the weather so she's been to sick to finish up the page. We're going to shoot for a double next week. Sorry bout this!
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Double upload next week
Hey guys, school's killing me and we have some changes we have to make to page 35 so we're going to do a double upload next week and that'll finish off the chapter!
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Ugh, laptop problems
Hey guys, I'm in Montreal and the laptop that I do the lettering on isn't working for some reason. I get home laaaate Sunday so I'm going to have to letter it and upload it Monday morning. Sorry about that!!!
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I'm sitting in hot water
Hey guys, no page this week. I'm at a ryokan enjoying the onsen because I've been running ragged for a week. No page today cause I am exhausted!!! Sorry!
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Upload moved to next week and the Store information
Hey guys, I'm supposed to be in Utah right now but I'm not because I'm crazy sick. I'm apparently at that age where I can't go to a convention and NOT get sick. Those of you who found me at Sakura con, it was awesome meeting you.
So the next page goes up next week, totally my fault, sorry guys.
In good news, the store should be up soon. We're switching order fulfillment over to Shark Robot so that I don't have to ship things out of my garage anymore. Those of you who ordered before the store went down, your orders have been processed and just went out.
Sorry again, guys!
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Technical difficulties
Hey guys, I'm having some tech problems and I'm in Seattle right now for Sakuracon so the page is going to have to be pushed back to TUESDAY. So sorry about this but I don't have all the stuff I need with me in Seattle so please bare with me. I know this is probably one of the WORST pages to do this on. Sorry!!!
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Updated Pages!
Hey guys, thanks to Fawn, we have newer versions of pages from Chapter 1-2 up now with prettier lettering! Check them out!
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No page this week
Hey guys, I'm playing catch up on some real life stuff so the next page will be up next week.
Sorry for the delay!
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Delay by a week!
Sorry guys, we're doing a double upload next week because there was a sudden family affair to deal with this week. See you guys next week!
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New York Comic Con!
Hey guys! I'm going to be at NYCC this weekend with copies of Fox Sister Chapter 1 and prints! I'll be in the artist alley at table Q14 in front of a Fox Sister banner from Thursday - Saturday. Stop by and say hi!
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We're falling apart on you guys. ;_;
Sorry, guys, this week's page has been derailed by an emergency trip to the hospital. Nothing life altering, just one of those things requiring attention.
I dunno what or why it is, but Jayd and I are literally falling apart on you guys in the health department.
Will update you on what's up in a few days.
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No page this week! Sorry!
It has been... god it's been a crazy month. I have/had major things going on at the same time and they've just drained me dry.
1. I have a screenplay due next week for school
2. My sister was in town for a week visiting. (Good times! )
3. The 2+ year lawsuit my husband's been involved with just settled today. He works in video games and he and almost 40 of his coworkers were suing Activision for unpaid wages. You can sort of read about it here if you want: We can't really say much more about it, but suffice it to say, it's been a tense month leading up to this.
SO. I decided I'm going to take my new narcolepsy medication (oh, btw, I'm trying out new meds too this month, wtf is my life?) and sleep instead of edit/letter tonight. ;_;
BUT. I have the page, so I promise it'll be up bright and early next Thursday. When I'm less insane and more composed.
Sorry guys. ;_; I'm weak sauce this week!!!
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The Webstore!
Finally! Thursday (the 24th) we'll have the store up and running and ready for you guys to check out! In the store we'll have copies of CHAPTER 1, a really cute SOOT BULL KEYCHAIN, PRINTS, and I'm also going to make SWEETNESS my art book with Adrian Alphona also available because WHY NOT?
I'm excited!
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Hey guys! I (Christina) will be at Toronto Comic Arts Festival (TCAF) this weekend (May 5th & 6th) with Adrian Alphona selling copies of Chapter 1 of The Fox Sister! Please stop by and say hi if you're around!
Admission to TCAF is FREE.
Table 211 - second floor on the right side of the TCAF Floor Map
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Interview with the writer
Check out this interview with Christina Strain on Newsarama today. She talks about The Fox Sister!
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Chapter 1 in print!
Hey guys! I just got word that our first few boxes of Chapter 1 are here. I should be picking them up tomorrow!
That's right, we're going to be selling copies of CHAPTER 1 IN PRINT! I'll be at WonderCon (Under Christina Strain, of course) this weekend, selling it there, and in a few weeks we'll also be selling them online. I'm super excited because they're 9" X 11.75" hardcover French Album style books.
I'll post more details tomorrow. I should have some pictures of the actual books to post then too!
I'm so excited!
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Technical difficulties
Thank you for bearing with us - our web comic program randomly stopped letting us upload new pages or news. We finally got it fixed! Please let us know if you have any problems.
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Double upload today!
Hey guys, be sure to check BOTH pages! Jayd did an amazing job on the art. ;_; I am so happy!!!
We're only 5 pages away from finishing up the first chapter! Hooray!
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Getting back on track!
We'll be uploading the new page Friday (Today) which is a day late but the good news is that things are slowly settling down and we should be back on track after this week.
Thank you guys so much for your patience. Things have been a little rough on the personal side of things and we seriously appreciate the understanding. Thank you!!
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Family Emergency - Sorry again. :(
Sorry guys, sometimes the personal life has to come first.
In the meantime I'm going to be updating a few things on the site. I'm planning on making the pages larger and making several adjustments to the type so that hopefully things will be ready to go on the 1st when we put the new page up.
Sorry again, guys, thank you so much for all of your patience.
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Family Emergency
Hey guys, unfortunately we've had a family emergency come up and we're going to have to postpone pages for the next two weeks.
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A word from the artist...
The crack I was smoking was a strain called "Christina's genius," by the way.
(hohoho see what I did there)
For serious though, I feel incredibly lucky to have met Christina and to be working on such a great project with her. She approached me in the Right Place, Right Time, and the Right Way--I usually have to turn down comic pitches from strangers because I normally don't have the time from my other projects, but for Christina's story I was willing to make it work.
I'm so glad I did! I've been learning so much because it is so different than what I usually dream up. "The Fox Sister" has been nothing but an incredible joy to work on. It's a type of story I've been wanting to see told and I'm a bit in a daze that I'm lucky enough to get to tell it! I fell absolutely in love with it, and I hope you guys love it just as much.
You probably won't see my commentary very much around the place, because this is her story and also I am normally too busy drooling over my desk from overwork, but I just want to say thank you all so much for the amazing support this comic has achieved already! I will continue to work hard and deliver
Oh, also! Since I didn't see Christina mention it in the last news post, I am mirroring the comic pages over on DeviantArt:
Don't forget there is a twitter and an RSS feed for the comic! They have very shiny icons for you to click on at the top of the page.
Thank you! Please enjoy!
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And so it begins!
So my friend Jen and I were talking a few months ago and she happened to mention that she and Jayd were friends. I was like... Oh... That girl? Psh... she's "pretty good..." and by "pretty good," I mean, "holy crap, that girl is incredible, I am SUCH A FAN." After much internal struggling, I decided to ask for her email address to see if she possibly wanted to do a webcomic with me. The following is an actual excerpt from the email:
"So yeah! Just let me know if you like it/hate it (in regards to a script I attached) and if you maybe want to talk more/punch me in the face? Win win either way, really!
I don't know what crack Jayd was smoking, but she actually wrote me back and told me she was interested.
And I am the luckiest person alive because she has been nothing but a dream to work with.
And so... here we are! Showing you our Korean Supernatural thriller/dram-edy story. I've been asked the premise and while I think you guys will catch onto the full scope of the story in the next few pages but I'll go ahead and fill in a few blanks. Basically the majority of the story jumps forward 8 years (starting next upload) and it's really all about Yun Hee hunting down the Kumiho, which has taken on the appearance of her sister, Sun Hee. Revenge story!
Oh, and there's a white guy named Alex who gets caught up in all of it.
Two more notes~ Most of you have probably noticed, we're still working on the site! Eep! Sorry about that and please watch for further improvements in the weeks to come! ANNNND updates will be every Thursday. The goal is to upload 1-2 pages a week, so keep an eye out on Thursdays for updates!
Thanks, guys!